Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Tweet Tweet...

In the seminar today you will all set up a Twitter Account by following the step-by-step guide online:

Create your own Twitter page and start ‘tweeting’ !
Find and follow people who interest you: musicians, artists, comedians, politicians, celebs, friends, organisaitons, shops… Follow at least 15 people.
Read about todays current ‘trends’ / ‘trending topics’

Write your own 'Tweet' or 'Re-Tweet' someone else's tweet
Create your own digital newspaper from your ‘twitter feeds’ using

Add links to your twitter page and your digital newspaper on your blog: go to: Design - click on one of your link-list gadgets and add the links - Save.

Deadline: Tuesday 22nd February (in class) or you can complete this from home by Monday 28th February 5.00pm

Digital Distribtion: Ushahidi

Ushahidi is an example of a Crowd-sourcing Internet Platform in which anyone can report on their current situation in the world. It encourages people to upload information about their live news, specifically related to natural disasters, war and political violence.

Task 3: What effect has the internet had on journalism?

Louisville News reporting has come a long way since this 1937 photograph of the offices of the Louisville Courier Journal. Photograph: Margaret Bourke-White/Getty.

What effect has the internet had on journalism?

Read the following article by Aleks Krotoski. Published in The Observer, Sunday 20th February 2011:

Using this article as a starting point write a short essay on 'What effect has the Internet had on Jounalism?' You can use the discussion in class and your new Twitter-feed newspapers in your essay or address any of the following questions:

  1. How has the most revolutionary innovation of our time - the internet - transformed how we find, understand and share information, news, music and videos?
  1. How has digital distribution changed the role of the producer and the role of the consumer?
  1. What responsibilities do we, as active audiences have in a world of digital distribution?
Deadline: Completed and added as a blog post to your blog: 5.00pm Monday 28th February 2011.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Life in a Day

Life in a Day is the largest 'user-generated' film made. It was produced by Ridley Scott, Kevin Macdonald and the YouTube Community who responded to their invitation to record thier life on 24th July 2010 and to upload it to YouTube. The film is:
User-generated film by an active audience

The YouTube community were asked to reflect on:
What do you fear most?
What do you love?
What makes you laugh?
The film is a collection of many different autoethnographies of each active audience who has contributed to the film.
Unfortunately you can't watch the whole film on YouTube, but there is more information here:


   "autoethnography offers a research method friendly to researchers and readers because autoethnographic texts are engaging and enable researchers to gain a cultural understanding of self in relation to others, on which cross-cultural coalition can be built between self and others."
Chang (2008)

It is a self-reflective method of learning and understanding and we will be using autoethnography to reflect on how we use New Media and how we behave in cyberspace, to be able to understand the cultural and social effects of New Media technologies and spaces.


“The term ‘audience’ refers to an assembly of listeners or viewers who come together, if only virtually, through shared consumption of film, television, radio, the internet, music or advertising.”
Marie Gillespie (2005)

Changing your time-zone

To change the time on your blog to UK time, go to:

Settings - Formatting - Time Zone

Select: GMT(00:00) London


Adding a reader to your blog

Your Online Learning Journals (blogs) need to be set to 'private'. But to add a 'reader' to your blog, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to blog
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click Permissions
  4. Under Blog Readers: Select: Only these readers
  5. Type in the email address
  6. Click Invite
Please add me as a reader.
All of you will be able to read each others blogs from week 4.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Task 2: New Media Glossary challenge!

The challenge is to each find 3 facts, quotes or definitions about one key term (this term will be given to you)

Rules: You must:
Use three different sources: Book, E-Book, Journal, Website...
Gather all info: How and Where did you find it?
And use Harvard Referencing to include: author, date of publication, publisher, page number, website url
Check it is a ‘reliable source’, do you know who wrote it / said it and where and when they wrote it?
Present: 8th February 2011
You have 50 minutes to find 1 fact/quote/definition and bring it back to the class.
You will present this to the class, including where you found it from.
There will be a prize for the most interesting!!

Blog: Update by 14th February
Add all 3 to your blog by Monday 14th February.
DONT FORGET to include referencing!

Added to blog: 5pm Monday 14th February
Edited into a word document and emailed to me: Monday 21st February

Concepts of New Media Tag Cloud

Concepts of New Media: ideas, issues and questions

Created from MECS1008 student discussion in Week 2, 08.02.2011 created using

Digital Culture: Tag Cloud

Digital Culture: how do we live online? What do we do online?

Created from MECS1008 student discussion in Week 2, 08.02.2011 created using

Web 2.0 Tag Cloud

Web 2.0 Technologies and Platforms: a site that allows you to interact and collaborate with each other

Created from MECS1008 student discussion in Week 2, 08.02.2011 created using

Language of New Media Tag Cloud

Language of New Media: phrases and terms used in the context of new media

Created from MECS1008 student discussion in Week 2, 08.02.2011 created using

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Task 1: ‘Old’ Media vs ‘New’ Media

Set Task 1: Write a blog post on the topic: ‘Old’ Media vs ‘New’ Media

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of New Media through an example of a new media that you use that has replaced an old media you used or still use.

Select an old media and a new media that have been discussed in today’s lecture.
This must be a minimum of 150 words and must be submitted (‘posted’) on your Online Learning Journal before the deadline.

Deadline: 12.00pm: Tuesday 8th February.

This will be one of your 5 minimum contributions to your blog. It must be submitted on the blog by 12.00pm (noon) on Tuesday 8th February.

Objectives of this task:

  • To start using the Online Learning Journal.
  • Identify what new media is and how this differs to old media.
  • Reflect critically upon your own experience of new media.

Your Online Learning Journal

As part of this module you are expected to keep an Online Learning Journal and you will be given a task to update it each weekly between weeks 1 – 9. Your Online Learning Journal is essentially a ‘blog’, so keep it informal, creative and fun!

What is a blog?
  • A blog is the term used for a ‘web log’, it is a type of personal website that is updated regularly and enables you to keep a log (by date) of your activities and in this case, what you are learning on this module.
  • A blog is creative: you design how you want it to look and you can include text, images, web-links, videos and music, making it personal and visual.
  • A blog can become part of an online community; you can share your blog with the world, just with friends or keep it private.
  • A blog is a type of new media and will be an opportunity to experience new media first hand.

Aim of the Online Learning Journal
The aim of the Online Learning Journal is to have your own creative journal to collate your individual notes, reflections, web-links, research and written text over the module, which will be a valuable resource when approaching assignment 2: writing an academic report.

Online Learning Journal Assignment
Each week you will be given a task to upload text or web-links to your Online Learning Journal. These will be checked each week and by week 9 you will have a minimum of five written blog posts (each 150 words) and a minimum of twenty links. The deadline for the finished Online Learning Journal is Monday 3rd April and this is 40% of your overall assessment in this module.

Your Online Learning Journal will be created using Blogspot – a popular blogging website, which is easy to use and make personal to you. Please follow the following guide to set up your Online Learning Journal: here referred to as blog.




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