Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Week 6 : Mediatised Performance Lecture

As all students are presenting their Online Learning Journals (blogs) this week it is more appropriate to present the Week 6 Lecture on Mediatised Performance on the MECS008 blog instead of through a PowerPoint presentation.

Your student Online Learning Journals and this blog are appropriate places to keep notes, lecture discussions, links and research, as the module topic is New Media, a blog is an excellent example of New Media and a digital journal means it is possible to include the YouTube videos, E-books and website links to the New Media concepts and theories we will be discussing.

Mediatised Performance is today’s topic.
  • What is mediatised space / environment?
  • What is mediatiesd performance?
  • Case studies of Mediatised Performance

A mediatised environment is a space that is augmented with technologies.

Mediatised performance is performance that is
  • augmented with digital technologies,
  • performance using new technologies or
  • performances in virtual and online spaces.

Human interaction with technology is an important area of study in an age of ubiquitous digital technology

It is also referred to as e-performance and digital performance and writings on this subject come from many disciplines, including; theatre, dance, net art, sound art, installation, as well as theatre studies, media studies, cultural theory, and art history.

In media studies the key questions and concerns include:
  • aesthetic questions related to 'the body',
  • the observer's participatory virtual experiences, and
  • virtual embodiment in new media arts.

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