Friday, 1 April 2011

ASSIGNMENT ONE: 40%: Online Learning Journal

Requirements: Assignment One
A) Five Written ‘Posts’: 
You are required to write a minimum of five ‘posts’ between weeks 1 – 9. These ‘posts’ will be a minimum of 150 words each and be related to the module, suggestions of what to write about will be provided by the module leader and these ‘posts’ may include; 
reviews of key texts given as handouts in seminars,
reflections on practical tasks using new media platforms or exploring websites,
reflection on discussion or debate,
responses to questions set in the seminars. 
By week 10 you will have completed five written ‘posts’ (150 words each), which will become 750 written words in total in your Online Learning Journal.

B) Twenty Website ‘Links’:
You are required to save ‘links’ to all new media platforms, websites and online discussions that interest you and that are discussed in the seminars; these should be added each week and become a minimum of 20 links in total by week 10. These are added to Link Lists not inside posts.

DEADLINES: Assignment One
Your Online Learning Journals are monitored regularly and you are expected to complete the weekly tasks given to you on time. 
All weekly tasks to write a ‘blog post’ should be completed on your blog at 5.00pm every Monday. This is monitored each week.
Both A and B requirements of Assignment One will contribute to the assessment
The deadline for your completed Online Learning Journal is: 
Monday 4th April at 3pm
You must hand in a printed copy of your Online Learning Journal with a tracking sheet to the Assignments box in Breedon by 3.00pm on Monday 4th April. 
The print out must be on A4 paper. It can be either black and white or colour and the text of the blog posts needs to be readable. 
The print out must be from the webpage, NOT by copying and pasting it into word.
The print out of the blog will not look attractive, it just must be readable text.
This print out will be an archive to ensure that you make no more changes to your Online Learning Journal after the deadline.
“(5 days late grade=D) (5+ days late grade=0) Tutors are unable to alter these and cannot grant extensions.
If you need extra time, or cannot submit an assignment, you will have to apply for mitigating circumstances with evidence.
If you do not submit an assignment there will be no opportunity for re-assessment”
You will get your grades returned by Friday 29th April.

At week 10 your Online Learning Journals should include: 
Your twitter page
Your newspaper
The MECS1008 Blog
At least 20 links to what we have discussed in Weeks 1 - 9

For more information and to read the learning outcomes, grading criteria read the 'MECS1008 Online Learning Journal Assignment.ppt.pdf' document in Blackboard

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