Thursday, 28 April 2011


Requirements: Assignment Two

A) 1300 word written essay
You are required to write an academic essay of 1300 words to critically reflect on your understanding and experience of new media. Your essay will focus on the question ‘How does new media shape society?’
You are required to include one detailed ‘case study’ of one ‘new media’ to support your argument. The new media you select to use as a case study is your choice, but you will need to check the relevance of it in Week 11 with tutor support.

You are allowed to use two case studies, only in the event of wanting to present a counter-argument of two cases.
You are expected to reference both primary and secondary sources and use a Harvard style of academic referencing.

B) ‘Tag Cloud’: visualisation of your essay
You are required to create a ‘Tag Cloud’ to visualise your essay. This will be created with tutor support and using ‘wordle’. You will be required to include this as an appendix to your written essay.

DEADLINES: Assignment Two

Friday 6th May at 3pm

You are required to hand in a printed copy with a tracking sheet to the assignments box in the Bredon building by 3.00pm on Friday 6th March 2011.

You are expected to read section 6 of the Media and Cultural Studies Student Handbook ‘Guidance for Study’ to help you plan, present and reference your written assignment. A printed copy is available from your tutor.

(5 days late grade=D) (5+ days late grade=0) Tutors are unable to alter these and cannot grant extensions.
If you need extra time, or cannot submit an assignment, you will have to apply for mitigating circumstances with evidence.
If you do not submit an assignment there will be no opportunity for re-assessment

You will get your grades returned by Friday 3rd June.
You are permitted to write 10% more than the targeted number of words, but do not write more than that as markers are unlikely to read or take into account anything beyond that additional 10%.

Please include a word count at the end of the report.
Appendices and References will not be included in the word count.

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